Lauren McCann
Co-Founder & CEO
Procure Impact
Falls Church, VA

Lauren McCann is co-founder & CEO of Procure Impact, a B2B marketplace that helps corporations leverage their purchasing power and supply chain to positively impact the communities they serve. Procure Impact works collaboratively with procurement, retail, and purchasing departments to identify and source hand-crafted and high-quality products manufactured exclusively by employment social enterprises that give job opportunities to veterans, refugees, individuals with disabilities, and those experiencing barriers to work such as poverty, homelessness, mental health & trauma, and addiction in the United States. Lauren is also the Founder and CEO of Calliope Advisors, a mission-driven consulting firm and innovation partner for philanthropists and nonprofits who want to pilot new concepts and models to solve pressing and urgent societal problems. Lauren previously served as Vice President of Stand Together, the philanthropic community founded by Charles Koch dedicated to helping every person rise. In that role, Lauren managed a team that developed innovative partnerships and philanthropic strategies with high-net worth individuals, foundations, corporations, athletes and celebrities that accelerate and increase social impact. To accomplish partnership objectives, Lauren leveraged the combined capabilities and reach of the Stand Together community which includes over 800 business leaders, 180 community-based nonprofits, tens of thousands of K-12 teachers, over 1,000 professors at 300 universities, and millions of local and state-based grassroots activists. Previously, Lauren served as Executive Vice President of the Stand Together Foundation, where she co-developed the vision, model, and approach to the foundation's venture philanthropy that helps grow and scale innovative models that help break the cycle of poverty. Prior to joining Stand Together, Lauren served as vice president of strategic development for the National Association of Manufacturers. Lauren held additional roles in external relations at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Lauren was selected for Fredrich Naumann Foundation's Study Tour for Young Political Professionals in Germany and she was nominated by Americans for Tax Reform to attend a fellowship program at the Adam Smith Institute in London. She served as a member of the Leadership Committee for the Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry and as advisor for America's Future Foundation. Lauren is a Fellow of the Civil Society Fellowship and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.