Antionette D. Carroll
President & CEO
Creative Reaction Lab
St. Louis, MO

Antionette D. Carroll is the founder, president, and CEO of Creative Reaction Lab, a nonprofit educating, training, and challenging youth to address racial and health inequities impacting Black and Latinx populations founded in response to the uprising, anger, and hurt that followed Michael Brown’s 2014 murder in Ferguson, Missouri. The organization’s first design challenge focused on racial inequality and police brutality and consequentially birthed five community co-created projects, ranging from public art efforts to educational programs, throughout the St. Louis region. Antionette has led Creative Reaction Lab to national recognition, creating significant partnerships to achieve its mission and being honored as a recipient and finalist of various awards. She has also inspired AIGA, the design community’s largest professional organization, to conduct a Design Census, confirming the lack of diversity amongst design practitioners. Seeking to address this, Antionette revived the organization’s Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce (serving as its Founding Chair) and co-founded the Design + Diversity Conference and Fellowship Program. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and a Master of Arts in Communications from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Antionette is a Fellow of the Civil Society Fellowship and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.