Caleb Cage
Caleb Cage
Arc Dome Strategies, LLC.
Reno, NV

Caleb Cage is the founding principal of Arc Dome Strategies, a Nevada firm advising on organizational management, government affairs, and strategic planning. Prior to starting his own firm, Cage was appointed Vice Chancellor for Workforce and Chief Innovation Officer for the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Previously, Caleb served as director for the state’s response to COVID-19, taking leave from his role as assistant vice chancellor for workforce development and community colleges for NSHE to do so. From 2015 to 2019, he was Nevada’s chief of the division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security advisor. He’s currently pursuing his Ph.D at University of Nevada. Following graduation from the United States Military Academy, Caleb held several positions that promoted outreach and policy to improve Nevada’s veterans’ outcomes. He served as Nevada’s Lieutenant Governor’s senior policy advisor, executive director of the Nevada Office of Veterans Services (NOVS), and director of Military and Veterans Policy. He is the author of Desert Mementos: Stories of Iraq and Nevada and co-author of The Gods of Diyala: Transfer of Command in Iraq (2008) with Gregory M. Tomlin. His essays and fiction have appeared in War, Literature, and the Arts, Red Rock Review, Small Wars Journal, and other publications. Caleb is a Fellow of the Civil Society Fellowship and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.